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hygroscopic equilibrium是什么意思



1)hygroscopic equilibrium,吸着水平衡2)sorption equilibrium,吸着平衡3)equilibrium adsorption isotherm,平衡吸着等温线4)EWC,平衡吸水率5)water balance of fi rst absorbing tower,一吸塔的水平衡6)adsorbed water,吸着水


    This article summarized systematically the previous investigations on t he dielectric relaxation of wood, the main substances and extractives in wood at oven-dry state, and the dielectric relaxation based on the adsorbed water in w o od cell wall under equilibrium and non-equilibrium state.

    本文较系统地归纳了迄今为止有关绝干状态木材细胞壁构成主成分和抽提成分 ,水分平衡及非平衡状态下木材细胞壁中吸着水的介电弛豫方面的研究 ,并对今后的研究方向作了讨论。

    In order to investigate the interaction between adsorbed water and wood during moisture adsorption and desorption processes, the dielectric approach and thermodynamic approach are respectively applied in this study.


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