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fabricated pipe bend是什么意思



1)fabricated pipe bend,预制弯管2)factory pipe bend,预制弯头3)steel bend pipe,钢制弯管4)tube bending,管道弯制5)pressed bend,压制弯管6)pipe bending,弯制管子


    Development and application of calculation and analys is software for tube bending;


    This paper describes the defects of the old software for the CNC tube bending machine,and presents mainly some algorithm design of tube bending,the developing progress and the main function of the developed software based on the process analysis of tube bending technology for locomotive.


    The related problems in tube bending process and the frames of the tube bending CAD/CAM system were presented,and a divided scheme of the system modules was given out.

    对管道弯制涉及的问题进行了分析,描述了管道弯制CAD/CAM系统整体框架,提出系统模块划分方案;给出了由管道XYZ坐标到YBC坐标的转换算法,结合管道回弹和延伸特性,建立了回弹延伸补偿算法,对弯管数据进行了修正补偿,并生成精确下料尺寸;根据工艺条件和碰撞因素,分别从可弯制性初步分析和仿真分析两个层次对管道的可弯制性进行了分析;利用Visual C++编程工具和OpenGL图形库对系统进行了实现。

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