Ethanol recovery from auto-catalyzed ethanol pulping of aspen by distillation;
Treatment of waste water from reaction vessel scrubbing of maleic anhydride production through distillation and neutralization;
Study on the distillation and distillate of cashew nut shell liquid;
There are two kinds of alcohol drink,distilled alcohol liquor and fermented alcohol drink.
The thesis analyzes the prerequisite for distilling separation and discusses the distinction between volatility of the components under mixed state and volatile ability of pure ones.
本文分析了蒸馏分离的前提条件 ,着重讨论了混合态时组分的挥发性与纯组分挥发能力的区别 ,指出蒸馏操作能够进行的前提条件及正确判别蒸馏分离难易程度的方
Based on the theory and combining with low temperature distillation technology,a device for recuprating exhaust heat of vessal engine is simulated and designed so that the seawater can be desalinizated.
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