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1)Organizer,主办机构2)auspices,主办3)front for,主办4)sponsor,主办5)Host city,主办城市6)Host stadium,主办赛场7)host bank system,主办银行8)organizer,主办方9)independent management,自主办学10)home country,主办届


    In order to solve the large numbers of problems of bad creditor s rights and liabilities between banks and enterprises, some departments of the government concerned are starting out to conduct tests of host bank system.


    By setting up relational contracts between organizer and exposition center and analyzing them, this paper comes to the conclusion that designing relational contracts between convention-and-exposition service providers helps to deal with complaints about these service problems me.


    The school-based management and independent management are two kinds of managing mode proposed by western countries and China in late 20th century.

    校本管理与自主办学分别是西方国家和我国在 2 0世纪后半期所提出的两种办学模式 ,二者都是从“外控式管理”向“内控式管理”转型的产物 ,但受各国国情和历史条件的制约 ,两种办学模式又有许多可比较之处。

    Conclusions as following:(1) Home advantage exists in Olympics Games,which help home country gain more golden medals than away-countries.


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