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1)hyperstereoscopy,超立体观察2)stereo view,立体观察3)Stereo-view on the CRT screen,视频立体观察4)3D morphology observation,立体形貌观察5)nonstereoscopic viewing instrument,非立体观察仪器6)stereoscopic viewing instrument,立体观察仪器


    This paper develops a set of stereo view and three-dimensional survey synchronous controlling cards which can realize high scene-frequency for a mass of data of remote sensing image stereo view and high precision 3D survey under the circumstances of the PC with ordinary graphic card if it is assisted by software developed on the basis of DirectX.


    3D morphology observation and the measurement of edge length of Monte Carlo simulated grains;

    Monte Carlo仿真晶粒的立体形貌观察与晶粒棱长测量

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