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azimuthal equal area projection是什么意思



1)azimuthal equal area projection,等积方位投影2)azimuthal equalarea projection,等积方位投影3)Lambert's azimuthal equal area projection,兰伯特等积方位投影4)Lambert's zenithal equal area projection,兰伯特等积方位投影5)Lambert's zenithal equal-area projection,兰伯特等积方位投影6)Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection,朗伯等积方位投影7)equal-area,等积8)equivalent orifice,等积孔9)isointegral map,等积分图10)isometric transformation,等积变换


    The equal-area DGGSs,however,have the important theoretical meaning and applied potential on large-scale remote sensing data processing and management.


    To get spherical equal-area hexagonal grids,this paper discussed five coordinate systems(CS): grid CS,medium CS,stand CS,vertex CS,and inverse Icosahedron Snyder Equal Area(ISEA) projection CS.


    In order to generate spherical equal-area grid,this paper finds the corresponding relationships between unfolded icosahedron and sphere using Snyder equal-area projection.


    This paper aralyzes the chdaracteristics of equivalent orifice and energy consumedby One m ̄3/s of available air quantity.


    A comparative study was made of departure maps, peak potential map, isochrone map, isointegral map in BSPM and ECG in 42 patients with MI using a BSPM Ⅲmodel computer system.

    目的 :比较体表电位标测 (BSPM)各种图形与心电图 (ECG)诊断心肌梗死 (MI)的敏感性 ,方法采用 BSPM- 型体表电位标测微机系统 ,对 42例 MI患者和健康人的体表差电位图、峰电位图、等时间图、等积分图及 ECG进行了对比研究。

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