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radial dikes是什么意思



1)radial dikes,放射状岩脉群2)giant radiating dyke swarms,巨型放射状岩墙群3)radial dykes,放射状岩墙4)dykite group,脉岩群5)Jussieu dyke,JUSSIEU脉岩群6)dike swarm,dyke swarm,岩脉群(地)


    In this paper, general features of mantle plumes are firstly introduced, and it is emphasized to explain that the characters of giant radiating dyke swarms belong to the products of plume activity, and to introduce some Proterozoic examples of the basic dyke swarms in abroad.


    It is characterized by peculiar geomorphology associated with perfect ring fractures and radial dykes.

    火山机构呈特殊的环状地貌特征, 周围发育明显的环状断裂和放射状岩墙, 并由爆发相、喷溢相、火山颈相和侵入相4 种岩相构成, 表现出一种爆发- 喷溢- 侵入的简单的火山活

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