The results of the analysis has indicated that multivariate statistical analysis can determine grades of the soil fertility.
分析结果表明 ,用多元统计分析方法可以确定土壤肥力等级 ,历史符合率在 80 %以上 ,为土壤肥力等级的划分提供了一种新的研究方
The results of the analysis have indicated that method of the comprehensive decision can determine, grades of the soil fertility.
Orthogonal experiment of the optimized ratios of fertility of light-weight planting concrete;
The Research of Corn Field Weeds Community Under the Different Fertility and Density;
The determination of the main fertility composition of soil of vegetable canopy with studying;
The status of soil fertility for Baishui agricultural demonstration zone in Qu County;
Under different soil fertility and soil texture, the yield of strong gluten wheat is the better under high fertility plant than low fertility plant.
Fertilizer Characters and Management of Red Soil in Jiangxi;
The Tobacco-growing Soil Fertilizer and Its Relationship with the Quality of Tobacco Leaves in Hengnan;
The study on the relationship between wheat yield and water fertilizer playsa very important role in the practice of wheat yield improving,and deepen the understanding of ways used in increasing grain yield.
Effect of jute geotextiles biodegradation on soil fertility;
Relationship between soil fertility and tree growth in the broad-leaved Pinus korariensis forest at different growth periods;
Relationship between plant diversity and soil fertility in Napahai wetland of Northwestern Yunnan Plateau;
This paper analyzes urban waste compost's fertility effect:enhancing soil's nutrient,improving soil's physical and chemical character;biology effect:improving soil's micro-organism characteristics,enhancing plant's yield and quality;environment effect:resulting in soil's sandfication,salinization and heavy metals' accumulation etc,elaborats waste compost's remedy function to polluted soils.
分析了城市垃圾堆肥的肥力效应 :提高土壤养分 ,改善土壤的理化性质 ;生物效应 :改善土壤的微生物特性 ,提高植物的产量和品质 ;环境效应 :造成土壤的沙化、盐渍化、重金属积累等 ,阐述了垃圾堆肥对土壤环境的修复作用 。
Effects on the fertility of soil and the utilization rates of fertilizer affected by fertilizer practices;
Relationship between fertility of soil and growth of turfgrass in Yuandang Lake area of Xiamen;
Based on measurement results of 20 paddy soil samples that were from 5 provinces, the main component analysis was employed to study paddy soil fertility.
根据对5 省20 个水稻土样的测定结果,运用主成分分析的方法,对影响水稻土肥力水平的主要指标进行了筛选,确定出有效铁、有效锰、物理性砂粒、粘粒、细粉粒、田间持水量、脲酶和过氧化氢酶8 项指标为影响水稻土肥力水平的主要指标。
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