Effects of organic ligands on accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements REEs in wheat;
This paper has studied the influence of phosphate (Pi, one of inorganic ligands) and citrate (Cit, one of organic ligands) on accumulation and fractionation of REEs in wheat based on aqueous culture, added with extraneous mixed REEs (MRE) and ICP-MS analysis technology.
Discussion of Differentiation of Intercrystalline Brine in Salt Group S_3 of Dabuxun Second Supply System of Qarhan Salt lake;
Study on differentiation of living space in Tianjin as viewed from price distribution of commercial house;
Influences of micro-factors on residential differentiation in Beijing;
The studies on regional differences are important basic works of regional development and ecological environment conservation.
区域分异研究是区域开发及生态环境保护的重要基础工作 ,GIS在土壤贫瘠化区域分异研究中的应用是GIS技术在土壤地理学中应用的重要方面。
Accumulation,release potential and spatial variation of heavy metals in urban soils of Hangzhou City.;
Study on spatial variation of cropland value in Fujian based on GIS;
Methods and Prospect on Spatial Variation of Salt in Soil;
The reservoir evolution is reconstructed in this paper, based on a deeper analysis of tectonic, sedimentary and diagenetic process of these two rocks combined with the paleo-climate of this area.
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