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diamond archaeogeology是什么意思



1)diamond archaeogeology,考古地质学2)archaeology,考古3)archeology,考古4)Archaeological study,考古5)Araeometallurgy,考古冶金6)environmental archaeology,环境考古


    Geophysical exploration for archaeology in the ancient city of Jinyang,China;


    Study on the Application of Chemical Analysis to Archaeology;


    Application of Geophysical Technology for Archeology and Preservation of Cultural Relics in China;


    On the basis of the MRS successful application in the detection of underground water, using MRS method new progress has been made in slide monitoring of Three Gorges and archeology of the first Qin dyna.


    The recent archeology discovery shows thar the image of lotus flower appeared in people’ s daily life early as in the Dawenkou Culture Period.


    Viewed from the historical relics and the archaeological study,the cultural characteristics in Baoto areas are: a complete relic chain is formed from the New Stone Age to the modern times;the feature of the transition from the farming to the animal husbandry is reflected;the trend of national integration of Chinese civilization is shown.


    The Information of Environmental Archaeology and Its Relationship with the Ancient Cultures In Shandong Province;


    Up to now,some research achievements in environmental archaeology and environmental changes in Yudong River Valley and Sanxia Region have been obtained,in relation to ancient environment,environmental change and ancient flood.


    One of the branches is environmental archaeology.

    20世纪 6 0年代考古学出现了新考古学派 ,导致包括环境考古学在内的许多考古学分支学科的出现。

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