This article introduces the design of a new type of oval tube sealing machine from three aspects,which are mechanical system,pneumatic system and electrical control system.
In this paper,several methods of adding water head, which are used in engineering design in China, such as pressure stabilizing pumps, air pressure tank system and frequency control pressurestat water supply system are described based on the precondition to ensure the water head demand of any fire appli.
本文从保证最不利处灭火设施水压要求这一基本前提出发 ,对我国目前给排水工程设计中常用的稳压泵压、管道泵增压、气压罐增压及变频调速增压等几种方法进行详细的阐述 ,说明了其各自适用的范围 ,并对其满足规范要求的安全可靠性进行分析比较 ,从而得出气压罐系统是满足消防要求的最理想增压设