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underwater acoustics是什么意思



1)underwater acoustics,水中声学2)speed of sound in water,水中声速3)hydroacoustic wave,水中声波4)Laser acoustics in water,水中致声5)underwater acoustics,水声学6)acoustics of water body,水体声学


    It agrees with the results of experiment for speed of sound in water within 0~20℃,compensating the defect of Wilater s formula which has larger deviation with experiments in this temperature range.

    在不同温度下水的密度已有大量的实验数据,本文通过水中声速与其密度的关系式, 得到了声速随温度变化的拟合公式。

    After an introduction to the basic features of underwater acoustics the latest progress in R&D of underwater acoustic channels,acoustical systems and detection/recognition of underwater acoustic signals are reviewed.


    Simulation about the target echo characteristics is a research direction of underwater acoustics.


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