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ferruginous concretions是什么意思



1)ferruginous concretions,铁结核2)iron concretion,铁结核3)ferruginous concretion,含铁结核4)ferromaganese nodule deposit,锰铁结核沉积5)ferricrust,铁质结壳;铁结核硬壳6)subway structure,地铁结构7)steel structures,钢铁结构8)lattice of magnet,磁铁结构9)iron-binding,铁结合10)ironbinding capacity,铁结合量


    The analysis of slippage and coming away between the subway structure and the soil subjected to strong ground motions;


    According to the structure style and the peripheral environmental characteristics of subway structure,the article analyzes the damage mechanism of subway structure.


    With the methods of response displacement,finite element response displacement and finite element dy- namic analysis,the Port-Island wave of Hyoko Ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake was inputted to analyze the light burying trunk subway structure with the considerations of slippage and coming away between the structure and soil under certain geological condition.

    应用有限元反应位移法,和有限元动力分析方法,以兵库县南部地震的 Port-Island 观测波形作为地震动输入,对某软土层地质条件下的浅埋箱型地铁结构横切面进行了不考虑结构与土脱开滑移和考虑结构与土脱开滑移的两种情况的计算。

    The measurement technique, instrument and judgement standard of the soil corrosion to steel structures are presented in association with the example of application to Tianwan nuclear power plant.


    Finally, 42 iron-binding proteins were identified, which were mainly referred to enzymes of metabolism, members of respiratory chain, proteins involved i.


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