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vernacular name是什么意思



1)vernacular name,土名2)Folk place name,土地名3)famous local and special products,名土特产4)Classification & nomination of soil horizon,土层分类命名5)tm Turkmenistan,土库曼斯坦(域名)6)continuous nomenclature of soils,土壤连续命名法


    All the following as magnificent scenery,beautiful views,so many historic persons of virtue and sites, kind and gentle honest folkway,famous local and special products ,are sung of by poets through the ages.

    壮美的山河 ,秀丽的风光 ;众多的先贤古迹 ;忠厚、善良、淳朴的民风 ;扬名中外的名土特产 ,均被历代文人所歌咏。

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