【音乐】(主爵士乐语)声状如婴儿哭泣的 n.
“哇哇”声乐器,仿婴儿抽泣声的小号等乐器[亦作 wa-wa]
- wah-wah
- 1926, in jazz slang, in reference to the effect on brass instruments made by manipulating the mute; of imitative origin. Later also in reference to an electric guitar effect. As an imitation of the sound of a baby crying, it is recorded from 1938. Wah-wah pedal is recorded from 1969. Compare Chinook jargon wawa "talk, speak, call, ask, sermon, language;" Cree (Algonquian) wehwew "goose," Lenape (Algonquian) wava "snow goose," all probably of imitative origin.