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n. 变质;改变;圣餐变体论


transubstantiation 变体,变体论

trans-,转移,转变,substance,物质,实体。用于指基督教祝圣仪式中面包和葡萄酒经祝圣变 成基督的体血,只留下面饼的外形。


transubstantiation (n.)
late 14c., "change of one substance to another," from Medieval Latin trans(s)ubstantiationem (nominative trans(s)ubstantio), noun of action from trans(s)ubstantiare "to change from one substance into another," from Latin trans- "across" (see trans-) + substantiare "to substantiate," from substania "substance" (see substance). Ecclesiastical sense in reference to the Eucharist first recorded 1530s.

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