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n. 印章;魔符;魔诀


sigil 图章,印记,魔符

来自拉丁语 sigilla,图章,印记,小词形式于 signum,标记,符号,词源同 sign.特指有魔力的 符号和标记。


sigil (n.)
"a sign, mark, or seal," mid-15c., from Late Latin sigillum, from Latin sigilla (neuter plural) "statuettes, little images, seal," diminutive of signum "sign" (see sign (n.)). In astrology, an occult device supposed to have great power (1650s).
When my mistress died, she had under her arm-hole a small scarlet bag full of many things, which, one that was there delivered unto me. There was in this bag several sigils, some of Jupiter in Trine, others of the nature of Venus, some of iron, and one of gold, of pure angel-gold, of the bigness of a thirty-three shilling piece of King James's coin. ["The Antiquarian Repertory," London, 1780]


1. See, Sigil's also called the citys of Doors.
看吧, 西吉尔也被称为门户之城.
2. Maybe the fiend lords can't enter Sigil, but their agents, proxies, and sympathizers are there.
也许恶魔领主们至今还无法进入印记城, 但是它们的密探 、 代理人和支持者们却云集于此.
3. The Guvners think she created Sigil, while Ciphers wonder if it's all her dream.
管理者认为是痛苦女士创建了印记城, 而密韵者则怀疑这一切都只是痛苦女士的梦境.
4. Which leaves Haley, Sabine , and the two elves to find the Air Sigil.
那么剩下的Haley, Sabine与两位精灵就去寻找风之魔符吧.

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