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  • 英式英标[sɔ]
  • 美式音标[sɔː]

vt. 看见;明白,了解;锯;锯成;锯开

vi. 锯;用锯;将某物锯成小块

n. 锯子;谚语

v. see的过去式


saw 锯,锯子

来自古英语 sagu,锯,锯子,来自 Proto-Germanic*sago,切割工具,来自 PIE*sek,砍,切,词 源同 section,segment.

saw 格言,谚语

来自古英语 sagu,格言,警钟,来自 Proto-Germanic*saga,说,告知,来自 PIE*sekw,说,告知, 词源同 say,saga.


saw: Not counting the past tense of see, English has two words saw. The one meaning ‘toothed cutting tool’ [OE] comes from a prehistoric Germanic *sagō, a close relative of which produced German säge ‘saw’. This in turn was descended from an Indo-European base *sak-, *sek- ‘cut’, which also lies behind English section, segment, sickle, etc. The now seldom heard saw ‘saying, adage’ [OE] comes from a different prehistoric Germanic *sagō, which was derived from the verb *sagjan ‘say’ (ancestor of English say) and also produced Old Norse saga ‘narrative’ (source of English saga [18]).
=> section, segment, sickle; saga, say
saw (n.1)
toothed cutting tool, Old English sagu, from Proto-Germanic *sago "a cutting tool" (cognates: Old English seax "knife," Old Norse sög, Norwegian sag, Danish sav, Swedish såg, Middle Dutch saghe, Dutch zaag, Old High German saga, German Säge "saw"), from PIE root *sek- "to cut" (cognates: Latin secare "to cut," Russian sech' "to cut;" see section (n.)).
saw (n.2)
"proverb, saying, maxim," Old English sagu "saying, discourse, speech, study, tradition, tale," from Proto-Germanic *saga-, *sagon- (cognates: Middle Low German, Middle Dutch sage, zage, German Sage "legend, fable, saga, myth, tradition," Old Norse saga "story, tale, saga"), from PIE root *sek(w)- "to say, utter" (see say (v.)).
saw (v.)
"cut with a saw," c. 1200, sauen, saghen, from saw (n.1). Strong conjugation began by c. 1400 on model of draw, etc. Related: Sawed; sawing. Sawed-off "short, cut short" is attested 1887 of persons, 1898 of shotguns.
saw (v.)
past tense of see; from Old English plural sawon.


1. I saw her push the boulder down on you.
2. I saw through your little ruse from the start.
3. I saw her in a towering rage only once.
4. They saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him.
5. I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth, before I saw them.

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