prose: [14] Prose is etymologically ‘straightforward discourse’ (as opposed to the more sophisticated discourse of poetry). The term comes via Old French prose from Latin prōsa, which was short for prōsa ōrātiō ‘straightforward discourse’. Prōsus ‘straightforward, direct’ was a contraction of an earlier prōversus, the past participle of prōvertere ‘turn forward’. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix prō- ‘forward’ and vertere ‘turn’ (source of English verse, version, etc). => verse, version
prose (n.)
c. 1300, "story, narration," from Old French prose (13c.), from Latin prosa oratio "straightforward or direct speech" (without the ornaments of verse), from prosa, fem. of prosus, earlier prorsus "straightforward, direct," from Old Latin provorsus "(moving) straight ahead," from pro- "forward" (see pro-) + vorsus "turned," past participle of vertere "to turn" (see verse).
"Good prose, to say nothing of the original thoughts it conveys, may be infinitely varied in modulation. It is only an extension of metres, an amplification of harmonies, of which even the best and most varied poetry admits but few." [Walter Savage Landor, "Imaginary Conversations"]
Meaning "prose writing; non-poetry" is from mid-14c. The sense of "dull or commonplace expression" is from 1680s, out of earlier sense "plain expression" (1560s). Those who lament the want of an English agent noun to correspond to poet might try prosaist (1776), proser (1620s), or Frenchified prosateur (1880), though the first two in their day also acquired in English the secondary sense "dull writer."
1、from Latin prosa oratio "straightforward or direct speech" (without the ornaments of verse).2、也就是说prose是由prosa oratio简写、缩略而来。3、prose is short form of provorsus "(moving) straight ahead".4、pro- "forward" + vers- / vors- + -us => provorsus => prorsus => prosus => prosa (feminine of prosus) => prosa oratio => prose.5、散文其实就是一种平铺直叙的文体嘛,没有什么装饰啊,修饰啊什么的。6. 扑到玫瑰上,狂写浪漫的爱情散文。
1. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.
2. Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.
3. He discoursed for several hours on French and English prose.
4. The prose of his official communications was so laboured, pompous and verbose.
5. John Lennon found time to publish two books of his humorous prose.