n. 口袋;钱;容器
vt. 隐藏;忍受;将…放入衣袋
vi. 形成袋或囊
adj. 小型的,袖珍的;金钱上的
pocket 口袋,钱财,资金
The "pocket veto" can operate only in the case of bills sent to the President within ten days of Congressional adjournment. If he retain such a bill (figuratively, in his pocket) neither giving it his sanction by signing it, nor withholding his sanction in returning it to Congress, the bill is defeated. The President is not bound to give reasons for defeating a bill by a pocket veto which he has not had at least ten days to consider. In a regular veto he is bound to give such reasons. [James Albert Woodburn, "The American Republic and its Government," Putnam's, 1903]
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