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  • 英式英标[\'ʌðɚ]
  • 美式音标[\'ʌðə]

adj. 其他的,另外的

pron. 另外一个


other 其它的



other: [OE] Other is one of a widespread family of Germanic words expressing ‘alternative’, represented today also by German and Dutch ander. The prehistoric ancestor of all three was *antheraz, which came ultimately from an Indo- European *ánteros. This, a comparative formation based on *an-, may have been related to Latin alter ‘other’ (source of English alter, alternative, etc).
other (adj.)
Old English oþer "the second" (adj.), also as a pronoun, "one of the two, other," from Proto-Germanic *antharaz (cognates: Old Saxon athar, Old Frisian other, Old Norse annarr, Middle Dutch and Dutch ander, Old High German andar, German ander, Gothic anþar "other").

These are from PIE *an-tero-, variant of *al-tero- "the other of two" (source of Lithuanian antras, Sanskrit antarah "other, foreign," Latin alter), from root *al- (1) "beyond" (see alias (adv.)) + adjectival comparative suffix *-tero-. The Old English, Old Saxon, and Old Frisian forms show "a normal loss of n before fricatives" [Barnhart]. Meaning "different" is mid-13c.

Sense of "second" was detached from this word in English (which uses second, from Latin) and German (zweiter, from zwei "two") to avoid ambiguity. In Scandinavian, however, the second floor is still the "other" floor (Swedish andra, Danish anden). Also compare Old English oþergeara "next year."

The other woman "a woman with whom a man begins a love affair while he is already committed" is from 1855. The other day originally (mid-12c.) was "the next day;" later (c. 1300) "yesterday;" and now, loosely, "a day or two ago" (early 15c.). Phrase other half in reference to either the poor or the rich, is recorded from c. 1600.
La moitié du monde ne sçayt comment l'aultre vit. [Rabelais, "Pantagruel," 1532]


1. *al-ter- "the other of two" => *an-ter- => ander (德语单词) => other (前面的元音音变为o, 在古英语中字母n在摩擦音前消失、脱落).


1. You can chat to other people who are online.
2. "All the best," called the other typists in chorus.
3. Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down.
4. After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.
5. He wants to act in concert with other nations.

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