cantaloupe: [18] The cantaloupe melon was introduced into Europe from Armenia. The place where the newcomer was first cultivated is said to have been a former summer estate of the popes near Rome called Cantaluppi – whence the name. Both the name and the fruit had made their way to France by the 15th century, but neither seems to have arrived permanently in England until the early 18th century.
cantaloupe (n.)
also cantaloup, 1739, from French, from Italian, from Cantalupo, name of a former Papal summer estate near Rome, where the melons first were grown in Europe after their introduction (supposedly from Armenia). The place name seems to be "singing wolf" and might refer to a spot where wolves gathered, but this might be folk etymology.
1. KRAMER: George, I want you to taste this cantaloupe.
克雷默: 乔治, 我要你尝一下这甜瓜.
2. Suddenly a cantaloupe - size rock tumbled from the truck's load.
3. I, a called bon vivant, only gave you a cantaloupe.
号称美食家的我, 就送过一个哈密瓜.
4. KRAMER: Jerry, tell him how good this cantaloupe is.