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  • 英式英标[kə\'djʊsɪəs]
  • 美式音标[kə\'djuːsɪəs]

n. 墨丘利的节杖(医学的标志);使者杖


caduceus (n.)
1590s, from Latin caduceus, alteration of Doric Greek karykeion "herald's staff," from karyx (genitive karykos) "a herald," from PIE *karu-, from root *kar- "to praise loudly, extol" (cognates: Sanskrit carkarti "mentions with praise," Old English hreð "fame, glory"). Token of a peaceful embassy; originally an olive branch. Especially the wand carried by Mercury, messenger of the gods, usually represented with two serpents twined round it.


1. They're black and gold and sport the caduceus, the symbol of the medical profession.
这批领带为黑色与金色相间, 并醒目地装饰有蛇杖医学标志.

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