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n. 滑雪球,溜冰球


Skee-Ball (n.)
1909, proprietary name (Skee-Ball Alley Company, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.), the first element said to represent the old alternative spelling of ski (v.).
Skee ball bowling, in which the ball is jumped or skeed into the pockets in the same manner as a skee-jumper rises from the bump in his flight, is a new and unique hand-ball game that seems destined to great popularity. ["Popular Mechanics," July 1909]


Skee-Ball 是一款街机游戏,也是最早的赎回游戏之一。它有时被称为“溜冰者的球”,尤其是在英格兰和澳大利亚。通过将球滚到倾斜的车道上并越过将球跳入靶心环的“跳球”驼峰来进行比赛。该游戏的目的是通过使球落入具有逐渐增加的分数值的环中的孔中来收集尽可能多的分数。

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