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  • class
  • rank
  • persuasion
  • sort
  • remove
  • classes
  • degree
  • gradation
  • hierarchy
  • 参考释义



    • 我出身於工人阶级,在上流社会中感到很不自在。
      With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people.
    • 这个党竭力装出一付关心工人阶级的新形象。
      The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.
    • 假使剥去了人们的衣服的话,到底彼此的阶级能够维持到什么程度,倒是一则有趣的问题。
      It is an interesting question how far men will retain their relative rank if they were divest of their clothes.
    • 他是工人阶级出身。
      He has a working-class background.
    • 在履行职责的时候,他得会见各个阶级的人。
      In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes.
    • 这两个阶级之间有很深的仇恨。
      There is great animosity between the two classes.
    • 社会等级是指按照血统,阶级,财富等严格区分的社会制度。
      The caste refers to social system based on rigid distinctions of birth, rank, wealth, etc.



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