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- 总笔画9画
- 笔顺横折折折钩/横撇弯钩、竖、竖、点、撇、竖、横折钩、横、横 [陗的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE:9657 五笔:BIEG 仓颉:NLFB 郑码:YKQ 四角:79227
steep hillprecipitous
- 汽车爬上陡峭的小山村,追上了运货卡车。
The car came up with the lorry as it climbed the steep hill. - 公共汽车艰难地爬上陡峭的山岗。
The bus toiled up the steep hill. - 沿着山腰下来有一条陡峭的山路。
A precipitous path led down the mountainside. - 我们向着陡峭山顶攀登。
We have a precipitous climb to the peak. - 那攀登者得攀越一陡峭岩石。
The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face.