- 拼音tún
- 部首月
- 总笔画17画
- 笔顺横折、横、撇、横、竖、竖、横、撇、点、撇、横折折/横折弯、横撇/横钩、捺、竖、横折钩、横、横 [臀的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE:81C0 五笔:NAWE 仓颉:SEB 郑码:XMQQ 四角:77227
buttbuttocksgluteahipanal finbuttockbreechnatesstern
- 屁股:~部。丰~。~鳍。前后~尖。
- 屁股 [buttocks]
- 臀,尻也。——《声类》
- 姤臀元肤,困。臀困于株木。——《易·夬》
- 故名之曰黑臀。——《国语·周语》
- 又如:臀杖(刑罚名。打屁股)
- 器物底部,底 [bottom]
- 其臀一寸,其实一豆。——《周礼·考工记》
- 比基尼内裤到臀部但不到腰部的短内裤
Brief underpants that reach to the hips rather than to the waist. - 梯形宽松衣一种妇性服装,比如夹衣、裙子或外衣,被裁剪成直接从肩部垂下来的样式,并沿着臀部和腿部摆来摆去
An article of women's clothing, such as a jacket, dress, or coat, that is cut so as to hang down from the shoulders and swing out and away around the hips and legs. - 腰部人类或四足动物的身体部分,位于脊柱两侧,肋骨与臀部之间
The part of the body of a human being or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips. - 我的臀部很大。
I'm quite wide round/in the hips.