- 拼音jìng
- 部首月
- 总笔画11画
- 笔顺撇、横折钩、横、横、横、撇点、撇点、撇点、横、竖、横 [脛的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE:811B 五笔:EGVA 仓颉:BMVM 郑码:QHBI 四角:71212
lower part of leggamblower legleg (the part from knee to foot)shanktibiagambe
- 小腿,胫位于膝盖和脚之间的腿部或后肢的部位;胫
The section of the leg or hind limb between the knee and foot; shank. - 在这个国度里,你再也不易见到这种略似古代护胫的高明用具——这就出问题了:足球季节应该出现的激动人心的场面跑哪儿去了呢?
In this country you will not easily see the remote likes of Greaves again--which is the problem: Where are the exciting prospects a football season should produce?