- 拼音qiáo
- 部首目
- 总笔画17画
- 笔顺竖、横折、横、横、横、撇、竖、点、横、横、横、竖、横、点、点、点、点 [瞧的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE:77A7 五笔:HWYO 仓颉:BUOGF 郑码:LNUO 四角:60031
look atlookylotendencytrendvoila
- 看:~见。~病。~热闹。~不起。~得起。
- (形声。从目,焦声。本义:眼昏花) 同本义 [dim-sighted]
- 覩文籍则目瞧,脩揖让则变伛,袭章服则转筋,谭礼典则齿龋。——三国 魏· 嵇康《难自然好学论》
- 偷看 [steal a glance]
- 什么人敢来瞧俺脚色?——《警世通言》
- 又如:瞧女人
- [口]∶看 [look]
- 撇呆打坠,早被那人瞧破。——元· 高明《琵琶记》
- 又如:瞧脚色(察看动静);瞧不起 (看不出来);瞧着(观看)
- 你想瞧瞧这画吗?--是的!很想!
Would you like to have a look at the picture? --- Yes, I should very much like to. - 我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气的男人。
I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work. - 瞧都什麽时候了!十分钟前我们就该到戏院了。
Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago. - 瞧瞧这块小地毯上磨出的洞。
Look at the holes that have been worn in this rug. - 让我们瞧一瞧你们的电子机算机。
Let's have a look at your electronic computer.