- 拼音qiáo
- 部首木
- 总笔画16画
- 笔顺横、竖、撇、点、撇、横、撇、捺、竖、横折、横、竖、横折钩、竖、横折、横 [橋的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE:6A4B 五笔:STDK 仓颉:DHKB 郑码:FMJL 四角:42927
bridgePonsendopons varoliipons cerebelli
- 这个城市因为各种桥梁而著称。
This city is noted for its various bridges. - 他主持修建这座桥的建筑工程。
He directed the building of the new bridge. - 汽车以惊人的速度向桥冲过去。
The car rushed at the bridge at astonishing speed. - 那是座钢铁结构的桥梁。
It's a bridge of steel framework. - 他从桥上跳入水中,救起溺水的孩子。
He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child. - 我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。
I think I'm lost; I can't find the bridge. - 这座桥差不多有两公里长。
The bridge is almost 2 kilometers long.