- 拼音chè
- 部首彳
- 总笔画15画
- 笔顺撇、撇、竖、点、横、撇折、点、竖、横折钩、横、横、撇、横、撇、捺 [徹的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE:5FB9 五笔:TYCT 仓颉:HOYBK 郑码:OIQM 四角:28240
pervadepenetratingpenetratethoroughpass through
- 他已答应彻查此事。
He has promised a thorough investigation into the affair. - 挽救该公司的唯一办法是彻底改变其经营方式。
The only thing that will save the company is a thorough shake-up of the way it is run. - 我把汽车彻底检修了一遍。
I gave the car a thorough going-over. - 他们答应对这次飞机失事进行彻底的调查。
They've promised a thorough inquiry into the plane crash. - 我把收音机彻底检查了一遍才买了下来。
I gave the radio a thorough inspection before buying it.