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  • envy
  • hate
  • 参考释义

    • -(忌妒)bejealous;beenvious


    1. 因别人比自己好而怨恨:~妒。~恨。~羡。
    2. 憎恨:~恶如仇。
    •  jí 


    1. (形声。从女,疾声。本义:忌妒才德地位等美好的人)
    2. 同本义。泛指忌妒 [envy;be jealous]
      1. 嫉,妒也。— — 《广雅》
      2. 各兴心而嫉妒。— — 《楚辞· 离骚》
      3. 世溷浊而嫉贤兮,好蔽美而称恶。
      4. 众女嫉予之娥眉兮,谣诼谓余以善淫。
      5. 又如:嫉诬(因嫉妒而诬告);嫉病(忌妒指责);嫉心(嫉妒之心);嫉毁(嫉妒毁谤)
    3. 憎恨 [hate;detest]
      1. 荀卿嫉浊世之政。— — 《史记· 荀卿列传》
      2. 屈平既嫉之。— — 《史记· 屈原贾生列传》
      3. 又如:嫉恶(憎恨邪恶的人。也作疾恶);嫉邪(憎恨邪恶);嫉俗(憎恨不良的社会习俗)


    • 世人还注意到,爱情和嫉妒的确会使人衣带渐宽,而其他感情却不致如此,原因是其他感情都不像爱情和嫉妒那样寒暑无间。
      And it is also noted, that love and envy do make a man pine, which other affections do not, because they are not so continual.
    • 最后让笔者赘言几句来结束这个部分。如本文开篇所言,嫉妒行为有几分巫术的性质,因此治嫉妒的最好方法就是治巫术的方法,也就是移开世人所谓的“符咒”,使之镇在别人头上。
      Lastly, to conclude this part; as we said in the beginning, that the act of envy had somewhat in it of witchcraft, so there is no other cure of envy, but the cure of witchcraft; and that is, to remove the lot(as they call it) and to lay it upon another.
    • 嫉妒亦是赞扬。
      Envy is a kind of praise.
    • 爱情、喜悦、憎恨、恐惧、嫉妒都是强烈的感情。
      Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.



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