- 拼音lào
- 部首口
- 总笔画15画
- 笔顺竖、横折、横、点、撇、撇、点、点、撇、撇、点、点、横撇/横钩、横折钩、撇 [嘮的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE:562E 五笔:KOOL|KOOE 仓颉:RFFS 郑码:JUWY 四角:69027
to chatter
- 听他瞎唠叨。
Listen to him prating on about nothing. - 我知道你不喜欢我抽烟,可也没有必要老唠叨这事。
I know you don't like my smoking, but there's no need to go on about it. - 别唠唠叨叨了,继续工作吧。
Cut the chatter and get on with your work! - 他不停的唠叨使我厌烦起来。
His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me. - 他对母亲的唠唠叨叨听而不闻。
He turned a deaf ear to his mother's chatter.