- blanketing with inert gas用惰性气体保护
- stripping in and out of the hole用防喷器在压力下强行起下钻
- wireline work用钢丝绳进行的作业
- radio-frequency reading用高频扫描快速读出
- viscous carrier placed pack用高粘携砂液作业的砾石充填
- pipeline-connected用管线连接的
- optical density colour用光密度测定的油品色度
- plastilock用合成橡胶改性的酚醛树脂粘合剂
- user identification code用户标志码
- customer tape format用户磁带格式
- UDW用户定义字
- customer charge用户固定费用
- user trailer label用户记录尾标
- user pool用户库
- customer density用户密度
- customer's approval用户认可
- Software User Manual用户手册
- user's file用户文件
- clamp hose connection用夹子夹住的软管连接
- run on choke用节流嘴限流
- exhaustion用尽,抽空,消耗,疲劳,彻底研究
- workbox用具箱,针线盒
- on slip用卡瓦卡住钻柱
- grind out用离心机测定油中悬浮物和水的含量,内磨
- screw casing anchor packer用螺纹装置撑开及收缩的套管封隔器
- spectralog clay evaluation用能谱测井资料评价粘土
- mud-daubed用泥浆修补的
- tweezer用镊子钳
- borated solution用硼酸处理过的溶液
- barman用撬杠撬管子的工人
- hosing用软管灌油,用软管冲洗
- wire-line workover用绳索起下工具进行的修井
- service pressure用时压力
- hand operated valve用手开关的阀
- hand-tight make-up用手拧紧
- hand-tight plane用手拧紧到位平面
- lowering with hand brake用手刹车下放钻具
- hand tight standoff用手上紧至上不动为止
- bleed a well down用酸顶替井中存油并接触油层面
- blanketing用毯覆盖,毛毯采金法,核燃料再生,匿影
- carbonaceous backfill用碳质物回填
- third crop production用提高采收率方法采出的油
- gimbal-mounted用万向架固定的
- deferred production用维持油层压力的方法来保持油层的生产能力
- pin together用销连接
- fractional pore volume用小数表示的孔隙体积
- squib shooting用小炸药包爆炸
- signal tracing用信号寻找线路故障
- battery-protected用蓄电池作保护的
- salt weighted用盐加重的
- eye assay用眼评定
- fluid pack the wellbore用液体灌满井筒
- sclerometric hardness用硬度计测定的硬度
- reduction by dominance用优势法简化
- oil-washing用油冲洗
- oil-base core用油基泥浆钻取的岩心
- oil-flooded用油冷却的
- DWO用油钻井
- steam emulsification用蒸汽乳化
- prime credit优等信贷
- pliomagmatic activity优地槽期岩浆活动
- optimized directional well优化定向井
- optimized directional drilling优化定向钻井
- optimizing fracturing treatment design优化压裂处理设计
- optimized drilling technology优化钻井工艺
- odds优劣比,余料,不等
- Calestherites优美叶肢介属
- advantages and disadvantages优缺点
- dominant wave优势波
- Heterotic rate优势率
- Euprioniodina优似锯牙形石属
- priority processing优先处理
- privileged优先的
- preferred direction优先定向
- precedence partition优先分布
- purchase priority优先购买
- precedence relation优先关系
- priority-discipline queueing model优先规定排队模型
- competitive cementation优先胶结作用
- P_Matrix优先矩阵
- dominated column优先列
- preferential affinity优先亲和性
- preferential displacement优先驱替
- preferential wetting优先润湿
- wettability preference优先润湿性
- selectivehydrolysis优先水解
- preferentially water-wet优先水湿的
- precedence graph优先图形
- dominated row优先行
- vote优选系统,投票