- compressed yeast,cake yeast,pressed yeast,yeast cake压榨酵母
- morpankhi oil崖柏油
- sulfitation,sulfiting亚硫酸处理
- sulfite cellulose亚硫酸盐纤维素
- flax stable亚麻短纤
- flax spinning亚麻纺纱
- linen thread; flaxen thread,flax thread亚麻线
- flax (linen) spreading machine亚麻制条机
- hackling亚麻栉梳
- nitrosamine亚硝基胺
- calender effect砑光效应
- tobaccocloth烟草盖布
- atmospheric fading,gas-fume fading;fume fading;gas fading烟气褪色
- smoked meat烟熏肉
- smoke chamber烟熏室
- fumeol烟熏液
- cochineal胭脂洋红
- salting腌渍
- salt-soluble meat protein(SSMP)盐溶性蛋白质
- brine injector盐水注射器
- hydrochloric acid container盐酸容器
- hydrochloric acid bath盐酸浴
- salted biscuit盐渍饼干
- color change颜色变化
- Cloth Inspection验布
- perch验布架
- cloth inspecting table,fabricin specting table验布台
- natural scouring;suint scouring羊汗洗毛
- wool bale羊毛成包
- wool cleaner羊毛除尘机
- wool slubbing羊毛粗纱
- wool grade羊毛等级
- wool spinning羊毛纺纱
- wool classification羊毛分级
- wool dryer羊毛干燥机
- wool structure羊毛构造
- wool oil羊毛汗脂
- chlorination treatment羊毛氯化
- wooly aspect羊毛特点
- wool degreasing羊毛洗涤
- the fine of wool羊毛细度
- wool consumption羊毛消费
- wool dye羊毛用染料
- sort of wool羊毛种类
- cationic softener阳离子型柔软剂
- oxidation turbidity氧化浑浊
- aminobenzoic acid氧基苯甲酸
- sample dyeing样本染色
- sample dyeing padding machine样品浸染机
- jacquard with swing needle box摇摆弹簧箱提花机
- yarn evenness controller;yarn examining machine摇黑板机
- shaking culture摇混培养
- hankreeling,reeling摇纱
- reeling machine摇纱机
- tilting head press摇头压榨机
- insecticides药剂
- oil soap椰子油肥皂
- coconut juice椰子汁
- condensing agent冶凝剂
- carotin ,carotene叶红素
- lutein叶黄质
- Chlorophyllase叶绿素酶
- liquefying power液化能力
- liquid glue,sol液胶
- level gauge;level indicator;liquor-level indicator,telltale,level indication controller,level indicat液面指示器
- Liquid membrane液膜
- specific heat of liquid液体比热
- areometry,hydrometry液体比重测定法
- main head液压机顶梁
- primary material一次原料
- pair of drawing rollers一对并条罗拉
- pocket lining衣袋里子布
- garment component衣服部件
- garment design衣服设计
- clothing fabric衣服套布
- jaconet衣料用细棉织物
- ornamenting by the backing weft依背面纬纱装饰
- ilang ilang oil依兰依兰油
- moving roller移动罗拉
- stitch transfer design;transfer pattern移圈花纹
- coverer;topping point移圈针
- transfer attachment移圈装置
- shogging移针距
- acetaldehyde sulfoxylate乙醛次硫酸盐
- phenethyl acetate乙酸苯乙酯
- vinylidene chloride乙烯叉二氯
- Vingl compounds乙烯化合物
- vinylated cotton乙烯化棉
- vinyl coated fabric乙烯基涂层织物
- vinylfibre乙烯基系纤维