- ruffclone涡旋除渣器
- dirtee (separator)涡旋除渣器(商业)名称
- vortrap Vortrap涡旋分离器,涡旋除渣器
- Asplund defibrator Asplund digester Asplund卧式连续蒸煮器
- horizontal (rotary) pyrites burner卧式硫铁矿回转炉
- selectrap卧式圆筒除渣器
- horizontal stock chest卧式贮浆池
- hexamcthylenetetramine乌洛托品,六甲撑四按
- foul condensates污冷凝水
- washouts污水,排水
- drainage trap污水槽,滤水槽
- AWT (advanced water treatment)污水处理法,(污水)三级处理
- drain tank污水箱,排水箱
- filled felt污脏毛毯
- Accient巫山梦
- asbestos roofing felt屋顶石棉毡
- slater paper屋顶瓦面敷面纸
- roofing rags屋顶用破布油毡原纸
- roofing wrappers屋顶油毡纸用包装纸
- roof (insulating) board,roofing shingles屋顶纸板
- stelite钨铬钻合金
- extraction-free wood无抽提物木材试料
- amorphous region无定形区,非结品区
- amorphous resin无定形松香
- amorphous cellulose无定形纤维素,非结晶纤维素
- endless felt,endless woven felt无端毛毯
- valveless washer无阀真空洗浆机,短管真空洗耳恭听浆机
- non-woven fabric无纺布
- nitrogen free filter paper无氟滤纸
- uimsbf unsigned integer most significant bit first无符号整数,高位在先
- contactless measurement无感测量
- matt art paper无光泽美术
- matt coated paper (for printing)无光泽印刷涂布纸
- dead finish,dull finish,hammer finish无光泽整饰
- hammer-finish paper无光泽整饰纸
- mat board ,mat finishing board无光泽纸板
- matt(ed) finish无光泽装饰
- dull surfaced paper, low finish paper, mat paper无光纸
- randomly oriented fiber无规定向纤维,随机定向纤维
- random distribution无规则分布,随机分布
- non-woven felt无基毛布
- alkali free无碱的,不含碱的
- no touch relay无角点继电器
- seamless display paper无接缝展览纸
- pitless grinding无坑磨木法
- non-pored timber无孔材
- narrow comedy无聊喜剧
- feltless press无毛毯压榨,光压榨
- leuce dye无色染料,染料隐色基
- silent films无声电影
- silent program paper无声节目单纸
- anhydro-xylan unit无水多缩木糖
- attapulgate无水硅酸铝矿石
- abs.alc. absolute alcohol无水酒精的缩写
- feltless wet machine无水毛毯湿抄机
- glucose anhydride ring无水葡萄糖环
- terra alba无水石膏,硬石膏
- moisture free weight无水重量
- acid accumulator free无酸的,脱酸的,不含酸的
- plain dandy无图案水印辊
- knuckle free felt无纬毛毯
- TCF bleaching无污染漂白
- noiseless program paper无音节目单纸
- ECF elemental chlorine free无元素氯(漂白)的缩写
- shaftless winder无轴式复卷机
- spokeless mo(u)ld无轴网笼
- Pentachlorophenol五氯苯酚
- laurel willow (Salix pentandra L.)五蕊柳
- late show午夜场
- Allen,Woody伍迪.艾伦
- Swordsmen movie武侠片
- stage micrometer;object micrometer物镜测微尺
- physical tester物理性能测定仪
- physical property物理性质,物理性能
- conservation of matter物料守恒
- material consumption物料消耗,材料消耗
- entrainment separator雾沫分离器
- alpha-writing paper西班牙草浆书写纸
- alpha printing paper西班牙草浆印刷纸
- esparto paper西班牙草浆制成的纸张
- DIN Standards(Deutsche Industrie Norme)西德国家工业标准
- Lebanon cedar (Cerus libani Laws.)西南亚雪松
- cinerama,Cinerama西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影
- cinemascope,CinemaScope西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影
- All Quite on the Western Front西线无战事
- dust sucking吸尘(作用)
- nozzle (type) slice吸浆堰板
- blotting test吸墨试验
- blotting board吸墨纸板
- blotting paper test吸墨纸试验