- close piling密堆
- sealing密封,封贴
- sealing paper密封包装纸
- hermetic fibre paper密封电机用绝缘钢纸
- thick-contact密接
- cipher密码,(纸张)水印
- sweet meat wrapper蜜饯、糖果包装纸
- percales棉布边角料
- tab ends棉布头
- cotton sampling paper棉布样品包装纸
- linter棉短绒,棉绒剔除机
- flocking tissue棉绒薄页纸
- cotton fiber content棉纤维含量
- cotton paper棉纤维纸
- cotton dryer felt棉织干燥毛毯
- cotton roll棉质辊子
- cotton rags棉质破布
- bread label paper面包标签级
- doughnut bag paper面包圈袋纸
- bread wrapper面包纸
- face wire面网,上网
- surface wire面网,外网
- nursery garden,nursery,tree nursery苗圊
- base tracing paper描图原纸
- sticky fly paper灭蝇纸
- Algaecide灭藻剂
- ssensitivity敏感性,灵敏度,灵敏性
- directory paper名薄用纸,电话薄用纸
- alum liquor明矾液,矾土液
- gelatin(e)明胶,凝胶体
- polychrist envelope明信片式信封
- blurred image模糊的照片
- teleprinter recording tape (paper)模写电报纸
- mo(u)ld模型,圆网
- Model complexes模型物
- die cutter模压切割机
- die stamping,die embossing模压印花
- friction drive磨擦驱动
- friction barker磨擦去皮机
- friction glazed磨擦施光
- friction glazed machine磨擦施光机
- friction factor磨擦系数
- rubbing off磨断
- burnishment磨光,抛光
- glasser磨光机
- polisher磨光机,抛光机
- glazing mill磨光机,抛光机
- Bersano process Bersano磨浆法
- unit pressure of grinding磨木比压
- grinder room,grinder house,groundwood room,groundwood mill磨木车间
- Camel process磨木程序自控系统
- grinder pit,wheel pit磨木机浆坑
- grinding surface磨木面积,磨碎面积
- Bjorkman's lignin磨木木素,贝克曼木素
- consistency of grinding磨木浓度
- grinding temperature磨木温度
- grinding pressure磨木压力,磨碎压力
- duotrol control磨盘间距自动控制
- dulling of stone磨石表面的钝化
- SGW stone ground wood磨石磨木浆的缩略语
- stone conditioner磨石预热器
- attrition mill磨碎机,磨浆机
- wear test磨损试验
- selectrifiner磨选机
- dish rag paper抹布代用纸
- Morse paper莫尔斯电报纸
- silent film默片,无声片
- wood sugar木(材)糖
- wood grain木(材)纹(理)
- timber science木材(科)学
- Wood discoloration木材变色
- timber and lumber standardization木材标准化
- gross structure of wood木材粗结构
- fault in wood木材的缺陷
- stack of lumber木材垛
- wood preservation木材防腐
- timber assortment木材分类,选材
- Lenzites木材腐败菌的一种
- Wood supplying木材供应
- Wood pests木材害虫
- wood measurement木材量积
- roadside processing木材露天加工
- wood resins木材树脂
- hydrolysis of wood木材水解
- Jack ladder木材提升机
- wood-cellulose木材纤维素
- wood element木材纤维细胞
- Wood consuming木材消耗量
- wood products木材制品
- texture of wood木材组织