- designed supply capacity [water supply]设计供水量
- Developing advertising设计广告
- design parameter设计规范,设计规限
- specification design设计规格
- design organ设计机关
- design and disposition设计及规划
- Design and Build Sub-committee [Contracts Committee of the Construction Advisory Board]设计及建造事宜小组委员会(建造业谘询委员会合约条款委员会)
- design calculation设计计算书,设计计算资料
- project appraisal设计鉴定
- design feasibility test设计可行性测试
- design and build contract设计连施工合约(房屋署),设计及营造合约 (工务局)
- design discharge设计量
- design mix设计配合
- design grade设计坡度
- design requirement设计上的规定
- design link设计上的衔接
- design life设计使用期,设计使用年限
- Design studio设计事务所
- design flexibility设计适应性
- Design traffic capacity设计通行能力
- design drawing设计图,设计图纸
- design development phase设计图试制阶段
- design earth pressure设计土压力
- design temperature map设计温度地图
- design limitations设计限制
- detailed design设计详图,详细设计
- Detailed Design Review Panel设计详图检讨小组
- designing principles设计原则
- design load设计载重,设计荷载
- design situation设计状况
- design code设计准则,设计规范
- design optimization设计最优化
- service conduit设施管道
- schedule of accommodation设施明细表,面积分配表,用途分配表
- Excellent quality设有
- air conditioned building设有空气调节的房屋
- shopping bridge设有商铺的高架通道
- mechanical core wall设有设施装置的心墙
- social welfare fund社会福利基金
- Community Involvement Project社区参与计划
- community and welfare premises社区及福利用途楼宇
- Community Development and Industry Park Development社区开发及工业区开发
- Community facilities社区设施
- community use社区用途
- spotlight射灯,聚光灯
- jet action trencher射两挖沟机
- spray射喷
- degree Celsius摄氏度(温度单位)
- photographic scale摄影比例尺
- Photogrammetric Operator摄影测量操作员
- Photogrammetric and Air Survey Section [Lands Department]摄影及航空测量组(地政总署)
- Reprographic Section [Lands Department]摄影制图部(地政总署)
- request(application)申请,要求
- proposal form申请方式
- Applications and Home Ownership Division [Housing Department]申请及居屋科(房屋署)
- application record申请记录
- application for addition申请加入户籍
- application for deletion申请取消户籍
- application date book申请日志
- application number [Home Ownership Scheme]申请书编号(居者有其屋计划)
- Cantilever base伸臂底座
- boom hoist伸臂式起重机
- projecting structure伸出楼外的构筑物,伸出楼外的搭建物
- Pull-out table伸缩餐具
- telescopic crane伸缩吊杆式起重机
- expansoin strip伸缩缝嵌条
- expansion joint cover伸缩接头复盖
- telescopic metal joist伸缩式钢铁梁
- telescopic formwork伸缩式模板
- extension trestle badder伸缩式栈桥梯子
- erection by launching伸展架设法
- deep piling深层打桩法
- deeply weathered深层风化,深度风化
- deep foundation深层基础,深层地基
- deep seal深层密封
- deep compaction深层压实
- deep vibration compaction深层震荡式压实
- depth gauge深度规,深度计
- Depth map深度移位
- deep trench excavation深沟挖掘,深沟开挖
- Abyssal sea深海,海渊
- Pelagic deposit深海堆积物
- Abyssal red earth深海红土
- deep sea area深海区
- deepen drawing深化图纸
- deep base深基
- Benoto cast-in-place pile深基础贝诺托灌注桩
- Wave equation analysis深基础波动方程分析
- diving casting cast-in-place pile深基础沉管灌注桩
- open-end caisson foundation深基础沉井基础