- nullah bridge明渠大桥,防洪渠桥
- faucet,mixer tap明三联式浴缸水嘴
- open cut明挖
- CCM(Cut and Cover Method)明挖覆盖工法
- cut-and-cover method明挖回填法
- patent defect明显的建筑缺陷,明显的建筑瑕疵
- distinct branch of family group明显分支家庭
- channel flow摸流动
- formwork模板,模架
- formwork safety模板安全性
- surface finish from formwork模板表面加工
- resetting of forms模板的重安装
- formwork drawings模板工祝引
- formwork contractor模板工仔包者
- formwork specifications模板工祖范
- shuttering work模板工作
- form plywood模板胶合板
- form tie模板拉杆
- form coating模板涂油
- snap tie模板系材
- asbestos cement form board模板用石棉水泥板
- formwork oil模板油
- formwork supporting模板支撑
- form assembly模板组合
- design of form模壳设计
- form insulation模壳外绝热
- modular ratio method模量比法
- modular ratio模量化
- mock-up flat模拟单位
- simulation control board模拟控制板
- analog control loop模拟控制回路
- mimic board driver模拟屏驱动器
- French-type furniture模式家具
- modular dimension模数尺寸
- modular building模数法建筑
- modular design模数法设计,模块式设计,单元式设计
- modular unit模数化构件
- modular constuction模数化构造
- modular building unit模数化建筑物单元
- modulus system模数制
- form scabbing模损坏
- model test模型试验
- Formed plywood模压(成型)胶合板
- moulded concrete模制混凝土
- molded gutter模制天沟
- moulding plaster模制用石膏
- moulded brick模制砖
- molds reuseability模重复使用能力
- formwork plywood膜板用胶合板
- frictional resistance摩擦抗力,摩擦阻力
- friction slope摩擦坡度
- Friction-typed high-strength bolt connection摩擦型高强度螺栓连接
- frictional prestress loss摩擦引起的预应力损失
- friction disc摩擦圆碟
- Friction circle analysis摩擦圆分析
- Mohr's envelope摩尔包络线
- Mohr-coulomb failure criteria摩尔-库仑破坏曲线
- Mylonite摩烂岩
- rubbed finish磨出面
- Grindstone磨刀石
- Abrasive Grinding Wheel磨碟
- fineness of grinding磨粉细度
- grinder finisher磨工修整器
- float glass磨光平板玻璃
- wear磨耗,磨耗
- wearing course磨耗层
- wear ring磨耗环
- blasting by abrasives磨料喷砂
- rubbed concrete磨面混凝土
- granolithic flooring磨石子地坪混凝土
- abrasion concrete磨蚀性混凝土
- rubbed granolithic磨水石米
- interground addition磨碎时的加入物
- abrasion test磨损试验,磨耗试验
- Abrasion hardness磨损硬度
- ground finish磨嫌工
- grinding machine磨削机
- degree of roundness磨圆度
- High-speed burr磨钻
- sharpening machine磨钻机
- patter抹板
- two coat plastering抹二层灰
- troweling抹光
- trowel finish抹光面
- trowelability抹光性能
- plastering抹灰,抹面,批荡
- single laths,wooden lath ,wood lath,lathing for stucco抹灰板条
- plastered wall抹灰的墙
- key for plaster抹灰底层
- plasterer's float抹灰工抹子