- beam ceiling露梁平板
- open riser stair露盲步楼梯
- open stairway露氓梯
- open newel stair露眯柱旋梯
- open roof露幂顶
- open well露幂井
- open well stair露幂井楼梯
- open floor露瞄栅楼板
- open storm drainage露藐水排水沟
- open timber floor露木楼板
- gas leak detector露气检验器
- exposed aggregate concrete露石混凝土
- Co-ordinating Committee on Street Sleepers露宿者统筹委员会
- balcony cubicle露台房间,骑楼房
- balcony concrete coping露台混凝土盖顶
- balcony bar露台铁栏
- open storage,storage yard露天仓库
- open area露天场地
- open nullah露天大沟渠
- open working area露天工地
- open deck露天广场
- open cloth-drying area露天晒布地
- open channel supply system露天水道输水系统
- open excavation露天挖掘工程,开挖工程
- open air a-nitrate explosive露天销氨炸药
- furnace bottom ash炉底灰
- stove炉结
- boiler brickwork炉墙工作
- furnace clinker concrete炉渣结块混凝土
- slag cement炉渣水泥
- brine pond卤水池
- brine storage卤水存储
- land conservation area陆上保护区
- land crossing陆上横道
- land-based borrow area陆上取土区,挖沙区
- land main陆上水管
- road transport陆上运输,陆路运输,陆上交通工具
- terrestrial陆相的,地球的
- filter drain滤层排水
- perforated casing well滤管井
- cartridge type respirator滤罐型呼吸器,筒型防毒面具(猪咀)
- Water Treatment Sludge Disposal Operational Planning Committee滤水及污泥处理工作策划委员会
- Filter well滤水井
- filter gallery滤水渠
- screened well滤网式井
- oil filter canister滤油罐
- granular bedding [road]路 碎石层
- kerb line路边线,路缘线
- road marking路标漆
- Lamp Cable路灯电缆
- road lighting pillar box路灯电箱
- road lighting lantern路灯具
- road lighting column路灯柱
- sub-base [road]路底基层
- roadside路帝
- road hump路拱,路丘
- rail movement joint路轨活动接合件
- Terrestrial deposit路积层
- Subgrade路基、地盘
- roadbed engineering路基工程
- excavation of roadbed路基开挖
- subgrade and pavement structure路基路面结构
- shoulder路肩
- road junction路口,道路交界处
- junction路口,道路连接处,交界处,接合处,交汇处
- junction capacity路口容量
- barricade lantern路栏提灯
- Signs on road surfaces路面标示
- pavement marking machine路面标线机
- road burner路面加热器
- road width路面阔度
- road forms路面模板
- pavement drainage路面排水
- cement breaker路面破碎机
- pavement construction路面铺设
- structural performance of pavement路面铺装的构造特性
- road level路面水平
- pavement distress路面损坏
- pavement deflection value路面湾沉值
- base course路面下层,路基层,承重层
- riding quality [road]路面行车质素
- on-street parking space路旁泊车位
- roadside vegetation路旁草木
- side street路旁街道
- lay by路旁停车处
- roadside slope路旁斜坡
- kerbside lane路旁行车线
- roadside planting路旁植树
- road bend路弯
- curve路弯,弯位