- memorial volume纪念刊
- scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological development with技工贸结合的科技型企业
- technology-intensive/labor-intensive/capital- intensive/knowledge-intensive industries技术/劳动/资本/知识密集型产业
- technological updating /renovation技术更新/改造
- Technical Engineer技术工程师
- technical research技术攻关
- confiding technical intentions技术交底
- technology transaction技术交易
- technology improvement技术进步
- know-how,know-why,technical know-how技术诀窍
- TDC technical development corporation技术开发公司
- technology trade技术贸易
- manufacturing industry of High Technology技术密集产品
- technology intensive investment技术密集性投资
- marginal rate of technical substitution技术替代率
- Commanding Officer Technical Maintenance技术维修处主任
- spread technological knowledge to farmers技术下乡
- Technical Assistance Fee技术协助费
- TCIC technical credit insurance consultants技术信用保险顾问
- technical assistance技术援助
- TA technical assistance技术援助(技援)
- Head Technical Support技术支援主任
- Acrobatics Show技艺表演
- Quarterly季度的
- quarterly balance sheet季度负债表
- QI quarterly index季度指数
- seasonal worker季节工
- un-employment of season季节性失业
- EOS end of season季末
- the vested right既得权
- let bygones be bygones既往不咎,忘掉旧嫌
- previous losses既往损失
- succession participant继承参与人
- inheritance law继承法
- Inheritance tree diagram继承系统表
- reference laws继受法
- to keep account继续记帐
- inheritance tax继续税
- to send in an account;to send in render an account寄出清算书
- to send a credit寄出信用证
- Service of Documents by Mail to the Location of the Competent Autonomous or Police Authorities寄存送达
- P.O.C. port of call寄航港,停靠地
- a remitter寄款人
- to send a cheque for payment寄票供取款,支票支付
- Plus: Profit from Other Operations加:其它业务利润
- Plus: Investment Income加:投资收益
- a cheque for $10,000,plus 10% charges加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元)
- overtime and night differential加班费和夜班补助
- Overtime加班时间,额外时间
- Step up efforts to reform State-owned enterprises加大国有企业改革力度
- add-back加回
- speed the reform加快改革
- accelerate the marketization;quicken the pace of marketization加快市场步伐
- CO Kallang Region加冷区司令
- Disneyland,California USA加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园
- g gallon;grain;gram (s);gold加仑,格令,克,金
- Strengthen the management of state-owned property加强国有资产管理
- strengthen macro-control加强宏观控制
- Strengthen the position of agriculture加强农业的基础地位
- Strengthen the socialist legal system加强社会主义法制
- tighten tax collection加强税收政策
- foster both material progress and cultural and ethical (cultural and ideological) progress加强物质文明和精神文明的建设
- improve prenatal and postnatal care加强优生、优育
- ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion加强舆论监督
- institutions and enterprises加强与政府机构和企业的合作
- Tighten control over extrabudgetary funds加强预算外资金管理
- Weighted Method加权方法
- Carlsbery加士伯啤
- accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements加速科技成果商品化、产业化进程
- accelerated amortization加速摊销
- accelerated depreciation加速折旧
- accelerating depreciation加速折旧法
- accelerated payment加速支付
- Value-Added Tax加值税
- Credit,VAT加值税扣抵
- the aggravated punishment加重处罚
- squeeze;short squeeze夹仓
- Jiadi Mirror Co.,Ltd.佳迪镜业有限公司
- Joy Way Int'l Co.,Ltd.佳辉国际有限公司
- Property insurance for home家庭财产保险
- Home Detention Officer家庭拘留员
- household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output家庭联产承包责任制
- family-contract responsibility system家庭联产责任承包制
- household lifecycle家庭生命周期
- home loan bank家宅贷款银行
- domestic service家政服务
- family branding家族品牌
- the show guests嘉宾
- Jiahui Cast-Iron & Sanitary-Ware Co.,Ltd.嘉辉卫浴铸造有限公司
- Division A soccer team甲A足球队