- ex-date除净日
- ex unadjusted close除净日未经调整之收市价
- delisting除牌
- X/R (Ex-rights)除权,不带新股认股权
- Invalidating Judgment除权判决
- relieving rheumatism,chills and pains除湿散寒,祛风定痛
- coverage exclusion除外责任
- X/D (Ex-dividend)除息,无股利的简写
- ex-dividend basis除息基准
- XN,XW ex-warrant除证
- X/W (Ex-warrants)除证,不附认股权
- reserving fund储备基金
- reserve balance储备余额
- reserve capital储备资本
- OC Store/Collation & Liaison Team储藏室及联络组主管
- a store of value储藏手段
- hoarded money储存的货币
- stockpile financing储存融资
- savings and loan share accounts储蓄贷款协会的股金券
- savings bond储蓄公债
- thrift encouragement储蓄鼓励
- saving foundation储蓄基金
- Saving rate储蓄率
- Special Deduction for Savings and Investment储蓄投资特别扣除
- member bank,credit bank储蓄信贷银行
- DTC Deposit Trust Company储蓄信托公司
- savings bank储蓄银行
- SBLI Savings Bank Life Insurance储蓄银行人寿保险
- savings and loan association储蓄与放款合作协会
- deposit account,savings account储蓄帐户
- saving储装,存款
- Division-directors处长
- Manager,Processing Unit处理组经理
- General Office,Processing Unit处理组总办事处
- the way of treating others处世之道
- Market Timing揣测最佳时机
- priority claim to ship credit and goods credit传播抵押借款和货物抵押借款优先权
- Communication media传播媒体
- spread channel传播渠道
- remit vt.传寄,汇寄,送
- Media Analyst & Research Officer传媒分析兼研究官
- Media Relations Officer传媒联络官
- writ传票
- transmission medium传输媒介
- to ensure smooth transmission传送灵活
- Traditional planned economy传统的计划经济
- Traditional Fund传统基金
- traditional commodities传统商品
- Conventional cap传统上限
- exquisite traditional embroidery art传统绣工精湛
- free alongside(on) ship船边(上)交货价
- shipping tonnage duty船舶吨税
- groundage船舶进港费
- civil jurisdiction of sea collision船舶碰撞案件的民事管辖权
- criminal jurisdiction of sea collision船舶碰撞案件的刑事管辖权
- certificate of ownership船舶所有权证书
- maritime distress船舶遇难
- ship's credit船舶债权
- ship subchartering船舶转租
- ship chartering船舶租赁
- Head Ship Fire Fighting Branch船舱消防科科长
- flag country船棋国
- Shipping Specialist船务人员
- sailor船员,水手
- window career窗口行业
- policy of discount window窗口指导政策
- hearth furnace床式反射炉
- Startup financing创办资金融通
- wound创伤,伤口
- innovation diffusion theory创新扩散理论
- innovative enterprise创新企业
- Venture Capital Enterprise创业投资事业
- business incubator创业园
- idea generation创意的产生/生成
- idea-screening process创意筛选过程
- (advanced) briefing吹风会
- blowlamp;blowtorch吹嘴,吹炬
- Vertical merger垂直式合并
- VAB vertical assembly building垂直装配建筑物
- spring festival transportation春运
- trading-only board纯交易板
- pure competition纯竟争
- pure monopoly纯垄断
- Pure natural fruit juice纯天然果汁
- Pure natural vegetable juice纯天然蔬菜汁
- a.w. all wool纯羊毛
- pure bond纯债券
- Cixi Fit Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.慈溪飞特洁具有限公司
- Cixi Mingkai Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.慈溪市铭凯洁具有限公司
- Cixi Qichao Sanitaryware Co.,Ltd.慈溪市奇超洁具实业有限公司