- property right of an author著作财产权
- neighboring right of copyright著作邻接权
- personality right of composer著作人格权
- casting bed,pig bed铸床
- cast iron ingot铸铁锭
- (Efforts were focused on) the reform,reorganization,upgrading and better management of enterprises,ai抓大放小,三改一加强
- Manage well large enterprises and adopt a flexible抓好大的,放活小的
- Strive to help enterprises eliminate losses and抓好企业扭亏增盈
- opportunity抓住机遇
- Seizing the opportunity,deepening the reform,opening抓住机遇,深化改革
- seize the current opportunity,deepen the reform,open China wider to the outside world,promote develop抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定
- special bus,special train专车
- special interview专访
- Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively for Public Safety Purpose专供公共安全使用之交通工具
- Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively by a Mentally or Physically Disabled Person Who Carries a M专供身心障碍者使用之交通工具
- Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively for the Purposes of Public Health专供卫生使用之交通工具
- OC Specialist Training Wing专科培训处课长
- patent announcement专利公告
- monopoly right专利权,专卖权
- Patent Agency专利事务所
- Patent licensing Contract专利许可协议
- renewal fee of patent专利续展费
- Patent opposition专利异议
- letter of patent,letters patent,patent certificate专利证书
- monopoly store专卖店
- Specialized专门的,专用的
- market boards专门的营销机构
- specialized court专门法院
- special jurisdiction专门管辖
- special institution专门机构
- specialize in专门经营
- specialized lawyer专门律师
- Deputy Head (Specialist Intelligence Team)专门情报组副主任
- Head (Specialist Intelligence Team)专门情报组主任
- Specialised Crime Division专门罪案调查署
- technology academy to college level专升本
- special regulation tax专项调节税
- Specific payable专项应付款
- Senior Consultant专业顾问
- specialized division of labour专业化分工
- professional accountant专业会计
- Simplification专一化
- exclusive sale专营,包销
- special deposit专用存款
- special-used fund专用基金
- special-purpose voucher专用记账凭证
- professional lawyer;full-time lawyer专职律师
- exclusive right专属权
- subagent转代理人
- transfer to reserve account转到准备金帐户
- for'd.,fwd forward;forwarded转递
- transitional economy转轨经济
- transfer system转化机制
- conversion loan转换贷款
- convertible risk转换风险
- management mechanisms转换国有企业管理机制
- of State-owned enterprises转换国有企业经营机制
- Converted net collections转换后净收入
- changing the function of the government转换政府职能
- genetically modified organisms转基因生物
- transgenic food转基因食品
- re-succession转继承
- shifting risk转嫁风险,转移风险
- crisis transferring转嫁危机
- TW transit warehouse转口仓库
- assimt. assignment转让、让与
- Transferred转让的,转移的
- Assignment method转让方法,指定分配方法
- to charge the amount to A's account转入A的帐户
- reincarnated soul boy转世灵童
- right of resale转售权
- resettlement转业
- cheque only for account,transfer check转帐支票
- transfer voucher转账凭证
- switch signal转辙信号
- transmitting bank转证银行
- write legal thesis撰写法律文章
- Bandar s note庄票,银票
- ldg. loading装(卸)货
- charging,loading装料,炉料
- Assembled Transportation Equipment装配之交通工具
- shpt. shipment装运,船货
- breast the tape撞线
- sliding needles撞针
- fashion follower追潮族
- auto fan追车族
- pursuant and leap-forward development追赶型和跨越式发展
- margin call追加保证金的通知
- additional paid-in capital追加股本金
- additional credit;additional L/C追加信用证