- castomatic process自动铸造方法
- autoignition,autogenous ignition,autoignite自动着火
- auto-photoluminesent pigment自发光颜料
- spontaneous process自发过程
- spontaneous termination自发终止
- self-decomposition自分解
- recording manometer自记压力计
- self-crosslinking自交联
- autofrettage自紧法
- self-equalizing expansion joint自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)
- self spring自拉
- bin cure自硫[化]
- self filtering自滤
- Gravity drop hammer自落鎚
- self-energy自能
- self coagulation自凝聚
- free heat convection自然对粱热
- spontaneous heating自然加热
- spontaneous combustion自然燃烧
- spontaneous ignition自燃
- hypergol自燃火箭燃料
- pyrophoric metal自燃金属
- hypergolic propellant自燃推进剂
- autolysin自溶酶
- Autogenous welding自熔熔接
- adaptive controller/automatic thickness controller自适控制器/自动厚度控制器
- Die,transfer自送连制模
- self-absorption自吸收
- self-digestion自消化
- spin labeling自旋标记法
- Spin labels自旋标记物
- spin-orbit interaction自旋轨道相互作用
- spin quantum自旋量子数
- spin=spin splitting自旋-自旋分裂
- spin-spin coupling自旋-自旋偶合
- loose float trap自由浮球式疏水阀
- free radical polymerization,radical polymerization自由基聚合,游离基聚合 (曾用名)
- Free-radical ring opening polymerization自由基开环聚合
- free radical chain degradation自由基链降解
- Radical life自由基寿命
- free radical isomerization polymerization自由基异构化聚合
- free link chain自由连接链
- freely-rotating chain自由旋转链
- Self-growing自增长
- self-reinforced polymer自增强聚合物
- Comprehensive regionalization综合分区
- consolidated piping material summary sheet (CPMSS)综合管道材料表
- brownies棕斑
- gambier;gambir,terra japonica棕儿茶
- brown ring test棕环试验
- palmitic acid棕榈酸
- palmitate棕榈酸盐
- palmitone棕榈酮
- palm oil (crude)棕榈油(天然)
- brown棕色的,褐色的
- overall reaction rate总反应速度
- header valve总管阀
- total synthesis总合成
- summarization总括性
- total moisture总水分
- overall plate efficiency总塔板效率
- total body density总体密度
- longitudinal flow reactor纵向连续反应器
- walk way,gangway,access way走道,过道
- routing study走向研究
- podophyllin足叶草硷
- family box族系箱
- family head族系原头
- antifreeze(r)阻冻剂
- vulcanization retarder阻硫化剂
- abhesive阻黏剂
- anticoagulating action阻凝作用
- barrier polymer阻透聚合物
- turn back the advancing of desert阻止沙丘前进
- constitutional heterogenity,compositional heterogenity组成非均一性
- forming gas组成气体
- cluster tool组合设备工具
- Hybrid fibre组合纤维
- tissue组织,薄纸
- organize the planting of trees组织植树
- diamond pyramid hardnessDPH Diamond pyramid hardness test钻石[角]
- Diamond polishing钻石[细粉]抛光
- Diamond lattice钻石[型]格子
- Diatomaceous earth钻石[型]组织
- Diamond cubic钻石立方
- initial product最初产品
- inverse peak voltage,peak inverse voltage(PIV)最大反向电压
- charge size crucible capacity最大坩埚装填容量
- Work most available最大功
- maximal observable最大观测量