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maximum cooking temperature是什么意思



1)maximum cooking temperature,(最高)蒸煮温度2)maximum temperature of cooking,最高蒸煮温度3)zui,最4)-most: most,最5)first at the earliest stage,最先最早6)minimax,最小最大7)most recent first,最近最先8)min-max,最小-最大9)maximum,最大最高10)optimum,最佳,最优


    Through the madium of D factor,the rise temperature time and maximum temperature of cooking can be predicted and thus the quality control for sulfate cooking can be attained.

    本文提出了 D 因子概念, 通过 D 因子可以对升温时间和(最高)蒸煮温度进行预报,从而达到控制蒸煮质量的目的。

    The Adverb "zui(最)" in the Novel Water Margin;


    An Analysis of Syntax,Semantic and Pragmatic Meanings of the Chinese Adverb "zui";


    A Study on Comparing "Zui" from Multiple Perspectives;


    we should insist the principle of "first at the earliest stage"to completed verification of"date of birth"of employees smoothly.


    Examples are provided to illustrate that SGA is an efficient and universal approach for solving minimax problem.


    The description of the random semantic is also discussed, with emphasis on the "most recent first" of the bimodal multicast.


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