The temperature-induced apparent strain of four common engineering plastic materials has been evaluated at three bridge excitation voltages in half and quarter-bridge arrangements with five strain gauge sizes.
本文采用了五种不同尺寸的应变片,在不同的测试电压下,利用四分之一桥电路和半桥电路,用system 4000应变仪测定了四种常见的工程塑料的静态表观应变。
Themodified effects of HTPB--ITPU blends are characterized by apparentcrosslinking density and other factors, and the interfacial interactionof the polyphase system is discussed with the help of SEM, DSC andIR modern analysis methods.
Study on the method for measuring the apparent viscosity of oil-coal slurry;
Model for predicting apparent viscosity of the microfiltration concentrated broth of Bacillus thuringiensis;
Study on the apparent viscosity and microstructure of semi-solid Al - Si alloy prepared by chemical refining;
The dependence of the solution shear viscosity on the shear stress,temperature and cellulose material content was investigated.
Abstact:In the thesis the rheology of trigonella bean gum was studied by studying the apparent viscosity changing affectedby concentration, shearing, temperature, pH, freazing-thawing and synergic effect with xanthan gum.
The results show that the viscosity of blends is lower than that of pure PSU.
Experimental investigation on apparent viscosity of heavy oil-water two-phase flow in horizontal pipe;
Influence of technological parameters on apparent viscosity of semi-solid magnesium alloy;
The research on apparent viscosity and rheological property of oil-coal slurry is necessary during coal direct liquefaction.
Sketching on methods of measuring apparent density of inorganic chemical products;
Influential factors on apparent density and oil absorbency of suspension resin;
Influences of the apparent density and aging whiteness of PVC on the rheological properties of materials;
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