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TLA thin layer activation是什么意思



1)TLA thin layer activation,薄层活性化的缩略语2)WAS waste-activated sludge,废活性污泥的缩略语3)WL white ledger,白色账薄纸的缩略语4)The Word-building of Abbreviation,缩略语的词化5)TP thermo-plastic,热塑性的缩略语6)thin film activation,薄层活化


    A broad overview is given of the current state of research and development concerning thin film activation method along with a description of its basic principles, measuring method, general applications and some issues worthy of close attention.

    对薄层活化法在国外工业中的研究发展状况进行了综述 ,范围涉及薄层活化法的原理、测量方法、应用概况以及需要注意的问题 ,并总结出该方法的优

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