The test data indicate that the PTFE film lamination fabric has fine heat insulating ability in cold.
测试数据表明 ,PTFE薄膜层压织物在寒冷大风的环境中具有优良的保暖性能。
The use of MNA in insulating material such as injection,epoxy resin coating,lamination and pulling was introduced in the paper,and properties of MNA and Methyl tetrahydrophthalic anhydride(MeTHPA)was also compared.
Flexible production in laminating and coating technique;
The Technology of Laminating of Multilayer Printed Circuit Board and the Methods of Decreasing the Warp;
This paper presents a review of the recent advances of nonwovens/plastics film laminating composites, and demonstrates the future of new generation “green” nonwovens/plastics film laminating material and emphasizes their biological compatibility that may be expected especially in land improvement, decorative linings, packaging, hygiene products, etc.
本文对非织造布 /塑料薄膜层压复合材料的发展进行了综述 ,并就新一代“绿色”非织造布 /塑料薄膜层压复合材料的发展方向提出了设想 ,重点强调了其应用于土壤防护材料、装饰材料、包装材料、医用卫生材料等时的生态相容性今后将引起人们极大的关注。
Process for Laminated Melamine formaldehyde/Polyethylene Plate;
Study on the Technics of the Pressing of Microwave Multilayer Printed Circuit Board/Ceramic Particle Filled Laminates;
The pressing technique of the two kinds of microwave multilayer printed circuit board is in detail illuminated.
Application of multifunction zonal fracturing switch to separate layer fracturing string;
Study and application of technologies for separate layer fracturing without pulling string in high pressure gas reservoir;
HPG frac fluid system with hydraulic nitrogen energizing is optimized and a series of separate layer fracturing without pulling string technology is formed and widely used in Daniudi gas field.
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