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sheet machine,sheet-making apparatus是什么意思



1)sheet machine,sheet-making apparatus,抄片器2)moving belt former,运动型带式抄片器3)sheet,抄片4)paper's capability,抄片性能5)compound sheet,复合抄片6)compound sheet,混合抄片


    In order to improve production properties,the hand-made sheet is observed by the scannig electron microscope.

    将皮革固体废弃物制成的动物胶原纤维浆与植物纤维浆抄片,利用扫描电镜(SEM) 对抄片结构进行了观察、拍照与分析。

    Effect of type and ration of pulp and microstructure of sheet on the absorption and volumetric weight of compound sheet of collagen and cellulose fibers were studied.

    从纤维的种类和配比 ,对胶原纤维和植物纤维复合抄片紧度和吸水性的关系进行了研究。

    Effect of fiber species various fiber proportion and microstructure of the sheet on the absorptivity of the compound sheet made of the mixture of collagen and cellulose fibers was studied.

    从浆料的种类、配比和抄片的微观结构等方面 ,研究了对胶原纤维和植物纤维混合抄片吸水性的影响。

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