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UT ultrasonic testing是什么意思



1)UT ultrasonic testing,超声试验的缩略语2)ultrasonic experiment,超声波试验3)abb. abbreviation,缩写,略语的缩写4)ultrasonic fatigue test,超声疲劳试验5)ultrasonic non-desructive testing,超声波非损试验6)ultrasonic test unit,超声波试验装置


    Ultrasonic fatigue properties experiments have been performed with base metal and welded joints of 16Mn steel using a home-made ultrasonic fatigue testing system.


    Experiments are conducted to determine the gigacycle fatigue behavior of nodular cast iron GS51 by ultrasonic fatigue test system.

    应用超声疲劳试验技术,完成了20kHz频率下(R=-1,R=0 1)的疲劳试验,获得球墨铸铁GS51在亿周次范围内的疲劳性能。

    Ultrasonic fatigue tests were carried out on Q235B base metal and welded joints by an ultrasonic fatigue test equipment in order to investigate their super high cycle fatigue properties.


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